Tips to Get Through your Building Project without Lovers’ Tiffs

Did you know that 3% of couples considered separation or divorce after a building project? Considering the triviality of a building project, that’s a large number!

Some disagreements are normal, but you don’t want any relationship-destroying ones. So what can you do to help reduce the amount of arguments you have whilst you’re having building work done? Here are some ways to help reduce it.

Remember that it’s normal

An important thing to remember is that it’s common to argue with your other half during a building project. The way you deal with the differences you have will determine whether it turns into a huge falling-out.

So what should you do to avoid arguing with your partner?


Communication is imperative when it comes to home improvement. There are plenty of ways you can get your wires crossed when you’re planning a big project.

There are a few common things that couples fight about during a home improvement project:
compromise on building project

  • 48% argue about budget
  • 34% disagree about the timeline
  • 34% fight about unexpected costs
  • 30% disagree on the paint colour
  • 27% have different views on interior design
  • 18% argue about the floor plan

To avoid arguments with your partner over these things, try to be respectful of their views. Let them know your thoughts and let them voice theirs. That way you can ensure that you’re both on the same page. And if you’re not…


One of the most important things to do when you’re building or remodelling your home is to compromise. If your partner doesn’t like the paint colour you’ve picked out, why not let them choose the colour or design of another part of the project? If you’re disagreeing on the timeline, a good idea can be to find a halfway point.

In the end, it doesn’t matter

After your building project is complete and everything is back to the way it used to be, everything should go back to normal. In fact, 14% of people said their relationship was better after they’d finished the project.

The important thing to remember is that there are ways to work through any disagreements you have whilst you’re building. The best thing to do is prepare for arguments beforehand – whether that means deciding on a colour palette before you start or planning a budget with a contingency plan, you can work out what’s right for you.