Find out more about water meters

Depending on the area you live, your property may well have a water meter. If it does, then it’s important to know the ins and outs of how to use it correctly, in order to ensure your bills stay low.

With a water meter you’re essentially on a pay-as-you-go system. This is significantly different to other properties which are charged a fixed monthly payment for their water usage, based on the size of the home.

So what does this mean? Well, luckily for you there’s the opportunity to save money with the water meter, especially if you live alone or have a very small family, using little water throughout the year. If you have a larger family then you could end up losing out by having a water meter fitted.

If you’re considering a water meter, then the good news is most people are entitled to a free installation. If you think you can make savings by having a water meter fitted, then go ahead and speak with your water suppliers.

They’ll conduct a home assessment and find the best place for it to be installed. Sometimes the meter will be fitted inside your home and on other occasions it’ll be in a box on the outside.

Of course, as with everything there are exceptions to those who can have a water meter fitted, such as if the water company believe it’s too expensive or impractical. If this does happen though, the water company can assess your payments and correct where necessary.

Also, it’s not a case of installing the water meter and then being stuck with it. If you find your bills have become more expensive, or simply don’t like the new method of paying for your water, then within 12 months you can revert back. After the 12 month period has elapsed, you will have to keep the meter.

This is very important when it comes to buying and selling properties. If your home has a water meter it could be deemed more or less attractive depending on the buyer. If you purchase a property with a water meter installed you won’t be able to have it removed – so ensure to do your checks before moving in.