Unpacking after a move is a pain. After a long day moving, all you want to do is sit down and relax. But then you’ll be faced with a mountain of possessions to unpack for days on end.
It’s best to tackle your unpacking head-on before you have time to shy away from it. So unpack the kettle, make yourself a cuppa and follow our 8 steps to help you get your unpacking done in one day.
TOP TIP: If you’ve got a pet, pop them in a room with some food, water and toys so they’re not under your feet when you’re trying to unpack.
It’s best to get someone to look after your pet until you’re finished unpacking, because they might get scared of all the noise whilst you’re moving furniture.
1. Clean the entire house
Image via PinterestIf you have time, it’s best to give the house a deep clean before you move your belongings in so you’ve got space to do it properly. But if not, make sure you know where your cleaning supplies are so you can give your new home some TLC before you furnish it with your posessions.
2. Unpack your essentials box
Image via PinterestIn our previous blog, we told you to pack a box full of things you won’t want to do without on your first night in case you don’t finish unpacking. This should contain things like toilet paper, toothbrushes, overnight clothes and anything else you need. Find this box and unpack it first.
3. Find your boxes for the bathroom
Image via PinterestFind your boxes containing your bathroom stuff and unpack that first. All your furniture is ready-installed in the bathroom, so it should be the quickest and easiest room to do.
4. Place your furniture
Image via PinterestIf you moved by yourself, or didn’t pay for the removal company to help arrange your furniture for you, you should do that next. Get everything into place so you can unpack your possessions in and around them.
5. Arrange your wardrobes
Image via PinterestUnpack all your clothes and get them put away in your wardrobes. Once your clothes are out of the way you can close the doors and move on to the rest of the unpacking.
6. Put everything in cabinets
Image via PinterestIt’s best to get everything that is going to stay in one place away. So next, put all of your ornaments, books and kitchenware into their cabinets and cupboards to get them out of your way.
7. Hang your pictures
Image via PinterestPaintings, posters and curtains should be hung next so they’re out of your way. They pose a trip hazard on the floor so get them onto your walls.
8. Roll out your rugs
Image via PinterestWhile you’re moving boxes from room-to-room rugs can be a trip hazard, so leave them until last. Once you’ve rolled your rugs, your new house will start to feel like a home.