Solar Panel Installation: Things to Know Before you Buy

The cost of solar panel installation is decreasing all the time. A recent report even showed that we can expect the cost to decrease by 10% every year.

So what are the essentials that you need to know before you invest in solar panels? We’ve put together this simple infographic for you so you can see the benefits of solar:

Earn a tax-free income with the Feed-in Tariff

Your solar panel installation can earn you money over 20 years. Earn up to £5,300 from the government’s Feed-in Tariff which pays you for every unit of electricity you generate, even if you use it yourself.

Act quickly though – the current rate of 4.32p/kWh will decrease from 30th June. Act now to get solar panels installed for this price decrease.

Save up to 50% on your electricity bill

Since you’ll be generating your own electricity and not relying on the grid, you can save a huge 50% on your electricity bill a year. And you can make the savings even bigger by having a solar battery installed with your system so you can store your electricity to use during darkness hours when your panels can’t generate power from the sun.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Installing solar panels reduces your carbon footprint by a whopping 30 tonnes over your system’s lifetime. So not only will you earn and save money with a solar panel installation, you can feel safe in the knowledge that you’re doing your bit for the environment too.

Solar panels are becoming more and more popular as the cost of installation continues to decrease. And with the current Feed-in Tariff rate due to drop on 1st July, people are rushing to get their panels installed now.

Don’t miss out – fill in the form below and we’ll put you in touch with up to 4 MCS-registered solar installers that will be able to tell you exactly how much you’ll earn and save by going solar.