Handy guide to reduce your carbon footprint

How environmentally aware are you? Have you even considered the amount of carbon dioxide you create in the home with everyday tasks?

These CO2 emissions are polluting the atmosphere and helping to cause global warming problems.

But it’s not just because of the environment you’ll want to reduce carbon.

At the same time you’ll be using less energy and therefore, reducing your expensive bills.

What is your carbon footprint?

So you may have heard the term ‘carbon footprint’ used, but do you know what it means? Essentially, [tweetable]a carbon footprint calculates how much carbon is used in your home from daily activities[/tweetable]. Everything as trivial as boiling a kettle will release carbon.

Commuting to and from work is also responsible for a good deal of carbon being released into the atmosphere. Using a car adds to emissions whilst cycling or taking the bus or train would be a much better option.

Can I work out my carbon footprint?

The Government’s carbon calculator will help you work out how much CO2 emissions are created in your home. However, you’ll need to know information on how much energy you use.

This will include:

  • Which fuel you use to heat your home: Gas, oil or electricity
  • How large your energy bills are
  • The level of insulation you have. This would include loft lagging and wall cavity insulation
  • How efficient your appliances are, such as the washing machine and refrigerator
  • How many electronic gadgets you have and whether they’re left on standby or kept plugged in
  • The mode of transport you use to commute to work.
Carbon footprint 1
Image from pinterest

How do I reduce my carbon footprint?

Considering what we’ve highlighted above, you should be able to see the areas you can improve to lower carbon emissions. Of course, making changes to some will be more expensive than others.

First off, if you’re serious about reducing energy usage we’d suggest tackling the problem head on and making changes to your supply. The quickest way to do this is with a new energy efficient boiler, especially if yours is old.

Also think about your home’s insulation. There are a number of ways you can boost insulation, from the loft, to the walls and windows. The idea is to retain more heat in your home; therefore you don’t have to keep the thermostat at a higher temperature to be warm.

Renewables are another route to go down because they take energy from a natural, environmentally friendly source.

[tweetable]Solar panels and heat pumps are particularly popular and worth considering if you’re keen to slash your energy bills[/tweetable].

Also think about using an energy monitor to see how much energy is being used in your home at any given time. This will give you an indication into just how much energy is wasted when leaving your TV on standby. You’ll notice spikes when appliances are used and be better placed to make relevant changes to your daily life.


Facts & Figures You’ll Love To Share

  • [tweetable alt=””]A carbon footprint calculates how much carbon you create in day-to-day activities. [/tweetable]
  • [tweetable alt=””]You can slash your carbon footprint by improving home insulation and reducing heat ouput.[/tweetable]
  • [tweetable alt=””]Solar panels and heat pumps are popular renewable options for reducing carbon footprint in the home.[/tweetable]