For most of the year, the temperatures in the UK are so mild that there’s no point in us even thinking about getting air conditioning.
But there are some days in the summer (we’re praying they start coming soon) where it’s so hot that all we wished we had was some cool air blowing over us.
Is there any point in us getting air conditioning in our homes? After all, we’ll only have to use it for a tiny portion of the year. On the other hand, we’re all used to having it in our cars.
So should we think about investing in air con? We examine the pros and cons and some solutions.
Air Conditioning Pros
You can use single unit air conditioning
If you’re finding that your bedroom is too hot at night, you could buy a single air conditioning unit. That means you’ll be able to cool one room at a lower cost than installing an integrated system.
You will need to vent it out of a window though, and the machines are quite heavy. You should also think about security if your bedroom is on the ground floor.
It’s possible to cool your entire home
If you don’t fancy having to keep a window open to vent your air conditioning, then you can invest in split units that you can install in each room. You can also get linked multi-unit systems that work with a thermostat, telling the system when to activate.
Air Conditioning Cons
It’s expensive
An integrated air conditioning system will set you back about £1,000 per room, so for the few days in the year when you need it heavily you’ll need to weigh up the costs.
Even a single unit will cost you about £300, which is a significant amount of money for something you won’t use for most of the time.
Your energy bills will increase
When you’re using your air conditioning, your energy bills could double. You’ll just have to decide whether it’s worth the increase in your bills if you’re going to be more comfortable.
Other ways to keep cool
If you’ve decided that air conditioning is too expensive for how much you’re going to use it, there are other things you can do. Keep your curtains drawn during the sunniest parts of the day to stop your rooms heating up.
Another tip is to keep your windows closed, because warm air can get in and heat up your room. Try keeping them closed during the day but open in the evenings.
If your windows are old, it’s worth considering upgrading your windows to energy efficient double glazing. Recent advances in technology mean that you can get glass that helps to keep solar energy out.
So what is it going to be? Good old fashioned windows or upgrading to a fancy air conditioning unit? It’s your choice.
If you are considering an the cost of an air conditioning unit then our hand guide will help.