Eight of the best energy saving tips

When it comes to reducing energy usage in the home, it’s not just your bills that are directly affected.

As well as saving a small fortune on your bills, you’ll also be reducing your demand for natural fuels such as coal, gas and oil.

Nowadays there are so many energy efficient appliances and options available that it makes no sense to be stuck in your old ways.

Go green in the home and you’ll see the incredible benefits straight away.

With these tips you can ensure your home is more eco-friendly and will save you loads on your bills.

1. Did you know the fridge can make up 20% of your electricity bill? This is a pretty amazing stat and goes to prove you can instantly make a saving by turning it down. There should be an energy saving switch on your fridge too which should always be in operation.
2. You know that washing machine you use nearly every day? It’s time to make changes. Stop using the hot option and set it to cold or warm spins. Not only will you notice a difference in your bills, but you’ll be slashing carbon emissions too.
3. Stop running the dishwasher when it’s not full up. This means you shouldn’t be putting it on every evening after dinner and can even leave it a few days before it’s needed.
4. Turn down your thermostat. By just turning the temperature down a few degrees you can save quite a bit of money and you won’t feel a difference either.
5. Upgrade your home’s appliances to energy efficient ones. There are some great, cheap options out there, so look at the energy rating (between A and G) to start saving money and energy.
6. Switch your light bulbs to efficient ones such as LEDs or energy saving. You’ll notice them lasting a lot longer and will save a few bob too.
7. Switch your shower head for a water efficient type which will reduce the amount of water used, but without ruining your shower.
8. Stop leaving your TV and other appliances on standby. It’s staggering how many people still do this, without realising how much energy they’re actually wasting.