Home > Tradesmen Associations > BASIS PROMPT


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BASIS PROMPT is an organisation that sets the standards for and audits the pesticides, biocides and allied industries. It seeks to improve the career prospects of its members and enhances business performance by providing training and development. It is open to all qualified sellers or providers of advice on public health pesticides or those who provide a pest control service, as long as they will take part in Continuing Professional Development. This is in the form of approved training in the knowledge and skills pest controllers need. BASIS PROMPT requires members to achieve 20 CPD points per year. The continual training reassures customers that they are choosing a reputable and competent technician.

If a technician is a member of BASIS PROMPT, it means that they reach a recognised level of professional training and competence, so it is the most effective way of maintaining professional standards. BASIS PROMPT develops standards through quarterly training sessions and workshops, which makes sure that the technicians are always up to date with codes of practice.

The BASIS PROMPT Professional Pest Controllers Register ensures that the technicians on the register are fully trained on legal and health and safety issues. BASIS PROMPT recommends that customers use a pest controller that registered. BASIS PROMPT issues a membership card to each member so customers can check their pest controller's status. Not all companies employ technicians who are BASIS PROMPT registered, so it is important to ask to see the card before they carry out any work in a customer’s home or business premises. Customers can find a BASIS PROMPT registered pest controller on the BASIS website by using the interactive map facility.

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