About Solar Trade Association
The Solar Trade Association (STA) aims to promote the benefits of solar energy and make its installation easy for both domestic and commercial users. It is a non-profit organisation completely funded by its membership, which includes installers, manufacturers and distributors.The STA is the voice of the solar industry, and influences Government and NGOs. It also develops its own policy to make sure it is keeping up with the movement of the industry. Recently, they have defined best practice for solar farms through their '10 Commitments'. The commitments include engaging with the community before using the land for solar farms and returning the land back to its original use when the project has ended.
The STA provides a ‘Find a Member’ service on its consumer-facing website where customers can find a solar PV or solar thermal installer near them. It also publishes a weekly newsletter where customers can find solar installers. Members of STA can use the logo on their vehicles, business cards and promotional material. It is a symbol of trust and shows customers that the contractor is competent and trustworthy.
Customers can find a lot of information on the STA’s consumer website, Your Roof. It has a ‘What to ask your Installer’ page to help clients make informed decisions about their solar energy installation. On this page customers can find checklists to help them choose a reputable installer. They include actions on what to do before customers contact an installer, before they come to a client’s home and how to make the best decision. STA expects all their members to provide a standard of service that lives up to the quality of information that STA makes available for customers.